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Tasty Tidbits Thursday: My favorite Valentine’s dessert and some decorations

5 Feb

When we were in Hawaii we were able to go to dinner one night at Roys and have the amazing chocolate lava cake. This is my favorite dessert in the whole wide world!

Here is the recipe. This would make a fantastic, romantic Valentine’s dessert for your sweetheart or family! It is actually a simple recipe. The trick is using the best quality chocolate you can find. We have used scharfenberger. I heard that Roy’s uses Guittard. This recipe makes 4 little cakes. We use individual ramekins, but if you want it exactly like Roys, you can buy little rings, like little spring form pans.

8 oz. semi sweet dark chocolate
12 tbsp. butter
1 cup sugar
3 tbsp. cornstarch
4 eggs plus 4 egg yolks

In a mixing bowl combine sugar and cornstarch. Have the eggs and yolks mixed together in a separate bowl. In a saucepan bring butter to a simmer. Add chocolate and mix until smooth. Continue to mix until chocolate begins to simmer along the edges. Mix until combined. Then add eggs, cornstarch and sugar and mix at low speed until mixture is smooth and sugar is dissolved. Add Pour into a bowl and refrigerate overnight.

Pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees. Spray each ramekin with non-stick cooking spray. (If using rings, line each metal ring with a strip of parchment paper and spray with pan release.) Place ramekin (or ring) on a square of parchment paper then onto a baking sheet. Fill the ramekin (ring) 2/3rds with the filling. Bake for 28-30 minutes. Remove the baking sheet and serve immediately! (If using the ring, hold each mold with tongs, slide a metal spatula underneath and transfer to a plate. Gently lift off the mold and remove the parchment paper.) Sprinkle a little confectionary sugar on the top.

We like to serve these with ice cream and a little raspberry sauce.


And, I finally got my Valentine’s decorations up, and thought I could share them with you:

{Fun project to do with your kids!}

{Made with leftover Christmas Decorations}

I finished my Pay It Forward Giveaway prizes and I made an extra one to give away to you. I will share them tomorrow!

Have a Tasty Day!