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Doing it all

22 May
{photo courtesy of touch of memory}

Things are spinning out of control. Do you feel this way too? Pleeeeease say you do, and I am not the only one feeling like there are not enough hours in the day… With the end of school, there are plays, concerts, performances, awards and of course a million special projects, reports, makeup work and other assignments that we are trying to finish up in the last two weeks of school. Plus, yard work, and gardening to be done — whew!


I am sorry I haven’t been around as much as I want to. Thank you for being great friends and hanging with me while I flake out. I think you’re awe-summ and deserve some awards!Thank you to my friend Laurel at Ducks in a Row for the award. Laurel is such a sweetheart. She has a darling family, she is very creative AND organized!

And thanks to Pam at Cocomama for the Awe-summm award! Pam also has a cute family, she is also very crafty and a great seamstress – you should see the costumes she is making! Thanks Pam!

So for the Awe-summ award, I am supposed to list 7 things I am awe-summ at. Hmmmmm….

  1. I am a mom to four sweet children. I hope I am awe-summ at that – sometimes I wonder…
  2. I am a wife to a kind, understanding husband.
  3. I like to be creative.
  4. I love to read.
  5. I love spending time with my family – my sisters. mom, in-laws and sister-in-law.
  6. I am trying to get healthier.
  7. I love my blogging friends.

Thanks so much for being great blogging friends. I would like to give these awards to you!

And, I just wanted to share something Awe-summ I found on etsy. I don’t know if I told you, but I have been working on my oldest girl’s room. I haven’t posted about it because it’s not quite done, but it is looking really cute. My oldest daughter, Hayley, is 13 and we wanted to turn her room into something a little more sophisticated and something that will take her through middle school and high school. I found this vinyl wall art on etsy and I think it will be perfect on her wall. I ordered it last night, so I hope it comes next week. I will take a picture of it when we get it up. And post some pictures of the room — before and after!

{obviously it will read Hayley}
Have a wonderful day!
27 Jan

While I was on my vay-cay, I was tagged for a couple of games

The first was by Kasey of All That Is Good. If you haven’t been to her blog, you should go. She is just the cutest girl. I love her Fashion Fridays and she just got the cutest haircut too!

So, here’s the dealy-o:

1. I choose the 4th folder where I store my pictures on the computer.
2. Select the 4th picture in the folder.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag 4 people to do the same.
5. No cheating (cropping, editing, etc.)

Here’s the fourth picture in my fourth folder:

This was taken last summer. My oldest son was going to a ballroom dance camp and needed some nice shoes. What an ordeal! Have you ever tried taking a 14 year old boy shopping…for shoes???? And size 13 shoes at that! Oh, the pain! The torture! And, I’m not talking about his pain and torture — I mean mine (and Jeff’s)!!! lol. We finally found him some dashing shoes and he had a great time a the dance camp with his friend and cousin. I think he’s going again this summer…

Now, I tag:

  1. Chrissy at Come Ye Ladds and Lasses
  2. Jamie at The Murray Fam
  3. Sarah at Clover Lane
  4. Miranda (Duckie) at A Duck In Her Pond

The other game I was tagged for was from Candy, a really creative girl I just got to know recently.

Here are the rules of this tag game:

1. Link to the person who tagged you (as I did just now with Candy).
2. Mention the rules.
3. Tell 6 things about yourself.
4. Tag 6 other bloggers by linking to them.
5. Go to each person’s blog and leave them a comment to let them know they’ve been tagged.
This is kind of a fun way to get to know people. So here goes:

  1. My favorite color is black. I know kind of weird. As I child I painted my arms black with paint because it looks pretty.
  2. I love spicy foods — especially mexican food (I could live on chips and salsa).
  3. I am cold all the time and should probably live in Arizona or Hawaii.
  4. I love a good bargain. I’m always on the lookout for a great deal!
  5. I don’t love to cook, but I’m working on having more enthusiasm after finding so many great food blogs — very inspiring!
  6. I am allergic to grass – which I found out in September when my face ballooned up and I looked like a freak of nature.

Ok, here are my picks for this game. I hope you will play!

  1. Carrie from Carrie’s Little World
  2. April from Straight From The Heart
  3. Marie from A Year From Oak Cottage
  4. Amber from {aeFilkins}
  5. Connie from The Young and the Relentless
  6. Karen from Life at the Polka Dot House

If you haven’t checked out these blogs, you should! They are all wonderful and inspiring!!!
Thanks for tagging me for these games Candy and Kasey!

Have a Nice Night!