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The Simple Woman’s Daybook for February 16, 2009

17 Feb

FOR TODAY, February 16th, 2009 …


Outside My Window…
Today was overcast. It snowed this morning for a bout 2 hours and then cleared up. The sun came out in the afternoon – yay! They say a big storm is coming in tonight and that it will snow all day tomorrow.


I am thinking… About what a wonderful crazy week I had last week. It started out with meeting my wonderful friend Marie.

Then we had our Gently Used Boutique at church.

We ended up getting tons of great donations. I have a great committee and they put in so much work! We also had a super turn out. One of the ladies on my committee knows some people who run a food storage company and she brought all kinds of tasty soups, cornbread and cookies for everyone to sample. After we were done, we packed up the rest of the donations and they went to a neighborhood that could really use them. There were also some people who had some African refugee families in their wards who came to get things for those families.


I am thankful for…
My sweet son Nick. He turns 15 tomorrow – I can’t believe it!
It seems like yesterday that he was born and I was looking into his sweet little face in the hospital. I was surprised at how much I loved him from the moment I saw him. He is such a sweet, caring, smart, wonderful person. I don’t even have the words to say how much he means to me! Happy Birthday sweet Nick!!!


I am wearing…
The usual uniform of black sweater, jeans and boots. We worked at the temple open house this morning. I worked running cookies up and down to the stage to the tables. I figured that we went through 6,000 cookies during my shift! It was quite busy since it was a holiday today. working there was really wonderful, but lots of running around. My mistake was wearing high heeled boots. After 4 hours, my feet were KILLING me. I came home and put on my comfy boots and jeans so we could run up to m y nephew Tristin’s birthday party this afternoon.

Happy Birthday Tristin!
(We have 4 birthdays this week in our family)

I am creating…
I got a little crafty this weekend and made a few bracelets.


I am reading…
The last Shopaholic book. We went to see the movie this weekend. It was really cute!

I am hoping…
To get some projects done this week. I cleaned out my pantry last week.



I got into a cleaning frenzy on Tuesday night, when I should have been focusing on the boutique. I think when I get under stress that I distract myself with other projects. It looks much better now though!


I am hearing…
Quiet! Everyone is asleep – but me!


Around the house…
The house is a mess, but I will deal with that t omorrow…


One of my favorite things…
My favorite time of the night is when I am going to sleep. Jeff turns on my electric blanket. After I am through getting ready for bed, I climb into my warm, toasty bed, pull the covers up and read…


Another of my favorite things are my blogging friends. One of my first commenters, Duckie – from A Duck In Her Pond, gave me this award:

Thanks Duckie! Duckie is a wonderful writer. She tells the most amazing stories. She is also a fantastic cook and a beautiful person inside and out! Go on over and see what she writes – it is AMAZING!!!

  1. The rules of this award are:Put the logo on your blog or post.
  2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
  3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
  4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
  5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

I’d like to give this award to some friends – some new and some old:

  1. Kiersten from A Pretty Neat Company
  2. Kasey from All That is Good
  3. Terra from Emerson Family
  4. Kelli from Outside My Kitchen Window
  5. Carrie from Carrie’s Little World
  6. Julie from Tattered Threads and Willing Hands
  7. Girly Stuff
  8. Linda at Weekend Cook
  9. Christie at Pop Rocks for Breakfast
  10. Michele at Calico Daisy

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week…
After a three day weekend, and being gone most of the day at the open house, I need to clean things up around here. Tomorrow is Nick’s birthday and then Hayley’s is on Saturday. I am also having the church ladies over on Saturday for the quarterly “Birthday Brunch”. So I need to get things cleaned up before they all come over.

If you want to be entered to win my giveaway, click HERE (it ends Friday!)

I hope you have a wonderful week!