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The DIY Club — My Saucepan Birdhouses

7 May
This has been the craziest week! I have been thinking about what to make for the DIY Club for a while. I just couldn’t make up my mind! I decided to go to D.I. (which is a local Utah thrift store) and see what I could come up with. I really wanted to make an outdoor project since it’s Spring — I’m excited to be out in the sunshine!

I decided to try to make some birdhouses. As I was looking through the used goodies, I spied some worn out pans and a huge cake lid. Hmmm, those might be able to be transformed into something cool. I got the pans for .50 cents and the cake lid for $1. I had my father-in-law helped me cut circles out of MDF — he’s a handy guy. And he also helped me make holes for the birds using a tool that is made to cut out holes for doorknobs.
 Sponsored Materials:
Gorilla Glue (regular)
Gorilla Glue (super glue)
Gorilla Glue (epoxy)
Gorilla Glue (tape)
DecoArt Americana paint — red
DecoArt Americana paint — green
DecoArt Stencil — Tracey Moreau — Jacobean Stencil
Other materials:
Scrapbook Paper
Mod Podge
Saucepans or Cakepan lids
Roofing elbow material
Upholstery tacks
Outdoor spray polyurethane spray
I wanted to pretty them up with some paper. I was a little nervous about using paper for something outside, but after talking to the good folks at Home Depot, I went home with some industrial strength outdoor spray. I mod podged the paper one the boards and once dried, put about 10 coats of the spray over the top. And just to be safe, I put a think layer of Gorilla Glue epoxy along the edges of where the paper and the boards meet. I figure this is the place where water will seep in — so I caulked that up with the epoxy.
After the finish was all dry, I embellished the front of the boards, On some I hammered in upholstery nails around the bird entrance. The nails stuck out a little, so I put a strip of Gorilla Glue Tape over those — so no birds would get impaled – lol.
I thought it would be a good idea to put a covering over the bird entrance too. So at Home Depot I picked up a round roof flashing. I cut it into a little hood and put it though the hole on one. I attached it to the back with Gorilla Glue Super Glue. And the other two I attached it to the front using the same glue. I also put some upholstery tacks through the strips of the hood for fun.
I also attached a little bit of ric rac inside the hole of the bird entrance. I attached it with Gorilla Glue Super Glue. I added a little perch to the birdhouses by attaching some old knobs and a very old doorknob. The doorknob I attached by drilling a hold through the MDF and putting a screw through. I then attached some regular Gorilla Glue and put the doorknob on top of the screw and let it dry.I have to say that Gorilla Glue is awesome stuff!
The pots I painted with some DecoArt Americana paint. I put about 3 coats on each and then a couple coats of the same outdoor varnish spray that I used on the fronts of the birdhouses.  The largest birdhouse which is made out of a big cake lid, I left silver and used an DecoArt stencil to stencil a pattern on the sides. I really like this stencil. I am going to think of some other places to use it. I think it would be really cool to use on a furniture DIY project!
To attach the front of the birdhouse to the pans, I used hinges that I also bought at Home Depot. I drilled one side into the wood. Then I made a shim from a piece of wood and used Gorilla Glue Epoxy to attach the shim to the pan. Then I screwed the other side of the hinge into the wood.  On the biggest pan, I drilled a hole in both sides of the silver pan and then a matching hole through the front of the birdhouse and put a decorative ribbon through and tied it to keep the front of the birdhouse shut.
To hang the saucepan birhouses, I drilled a hole through one of the handles of the pans and put ribbon through. The other pan already had a hold in the handle. And the largest birdhouse, I drilled a hole in the top of the cake lid — toward the back — so it would hang straight, and put chain through the hole with an “S” hook at the end to keep it in the pan.

Ok – I can’t wait to see what you have made! 

I’ll Have A Link Up In The Morning!

Creative Fridays: Mod Podge Barstool Redo

4 Sep

Thanks for your nice comments yesterday during my meltdown. I am feeling much better today – I even got my house cleaned – woo hoo!It’s time for Xazmin’s Mod Podge Mania! I’m so excited to join up!!!
This is a project that I have been meaning to do for about a year. I just kept putting it off. It seemed so big and time consuming. I bought these barstools about 7 years ago. They were originally red. Of course, knowing me, I got tired of the red and wanted to do something different about 4 years later. So I painted them off white with a brown glaze over the top. The problem was when I was finished I put a polyurethane coat on and it never adhered correctly. So after a while it started peeling off…


Here they are when I started:

(sanding, sanding, sanding….)
(stripping, stripping, stripping…)
(I turned them over to mod podge the paper onto the seat aprons)


And here they are now. I decided to mod podge the seat aprons, each chair has a different black and white paper. I put a number on each so each of my kids has their own barstool. They think it’s pretty neat.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you for being such great blogging friends!
PS: I was going to post about my Julia recipes #2 and #3, and I will do that tomorrow!

Mod Podge Mania: Decoupage Jewelry

30 Jun

It’s Mod Podge Mania over at Xazmin’s today. How could I pass up the opportunity to make something using my favorite medium? I have been thinking for awhile of ways to make jewelry using Mod Podge. After some experimenting, here is what I came up with.

I made two different kinds of beads. I had some bead napkins rings that I found at Target a while ago for .25 each. I had been saving them thinking they would make cute beads for jewelry. I decided to try to decoupage them. It ended up being pretty messy and tricky. First, I cut small strips of paper and then I let the paper soak for a few minutes in a bowl of water. To make these you really need to get messy. I applied the Mod Podge with my fingers. Then I wound each strip of paper around the bead until the entire bead was covered. I then let each bead dry out on wax paper. Once all of the beads were dry, I applied a really thick coat of Shiny Mod Podge so they would be glossy. Once THAT coat of Mod Podge was dry, I then had to find the holes which I had covered over. I used the small end of a pair of pliers and estimated where the holes would be. It worked out pretty well. A way to make this project easier would be to use printed tissue paper which is much thinner and perfectly round wooden beads.

The second type of bead I made was a cylinder. This type was much easier.
First I cut out different strips of scrapbook paper in different widths. Then I took a wooden shish kabob skewer and wound each strip around tightly. At the end of the strip I attached the paper with good glue (I use E9000). Once all of the paper was wound into beads, I gave them all a good coat of mod podge all over. Then I threaded them onto the skewer and let them dry.

They were fun to make. Go over and see all of the fun Mod Podge ideas and project’s at Xazmin’s!

Have a wonderful day!

Creative Fridays: Decoupaged Summer Stars

12 Jun

I love to decoupage. I am always on the lookout for a new project. So when I saw these stars last month I picked them up. I finally got around to making some!
I traced each arm of the star onto paper and cut it out to make a pattern. I then traced the pattern onto my scrapbook paper. I thought it would be fun to do 5 coordinating papers on each star.
After the stars were decoupaged, I cut coordinating ribbon and attached it at the top.

Have a fun Friday and a great weekend!

Decoupage: Little Seaside Boxes

1 Jun

I made some little decoupage seaside boxes that I gave my mom and mother-in-law for Mother’s Day. I found some adorable framed pendants that I wrapped up inside. My mom keeps her little box in her bedroom.

{I attached seashells and vintage buttons to the top using Gorilla Glue}

Have a creative day!

Paris Room: Reveal

29 Apr

Welcome everyone from Kelly’s Corner. I am excited to link up for Where You Live Friday. This is my daughter Hannah’s room that I redid for her birthday. She wanted to theme to be Paris.
Here are some before pictures:

And after:


{we replaced the ugly ceiling fan with a cute chandelier}
{I hung a curtain rod over her bed with sheer panels and used shower curtain rings from Target to add a little sparkle}
{sorry for the blurriness – there is an uplight behind the bed for a little nighttime glow}
{I framed some chandelier pictures around the Eiffel Tower}

{I put hung wrapping paper behind the shelves to give it some interest}
{Here are the collages I made}
{She received a black, metal Eiffel Tower wall hanging that is going to go over the dresser}
Happy Birthday Sweet Hannah!!!
Hope you are having a happy Day!

Creative Fridays: ooh la la!!

24 Apr

Hannah is turning 10 next week. I can’t believe it!!! She has decided that instead of a friend party she would like to re-do her room. She has always been a fan of fashion and Paris. So she wants to a Paris theme for her bedroom.

These are some pictures I am using as inspiration for her room:

This is a project I am making to give her for her birthday. Paris collages. I am going to decoupage them (a set of three) on canvas and then embellish the tops with flowers, ribbon and glitter. I think it is going to be fun in her new room!

I will post pictures of them when they are finished.
Have a Fantastic Friday!!!

My 200th Post Giveaway!

10 Apr

I can’t believe it — I’ve hit my 200th post!!! I have just loved meeting all of you and to celebrate I’m having a giveaway. And since I love Mod Podge, it’s a decoupage giveaway. I decoupaged a 12 inch barn star and matching set of 3 picture frames.

  1. To enter the giveaway, just leave me a comment.
  2. If you want two entries, blog about it and leave me another comment telling me that you did.
  3. Plus all of my followers get an entry too.

The giveaway will end Monday night at midnight (MST) April 13th.

And….Jen at Harried Mom of Four has tagged me with a fun Meme! Thanks Jen!

8 Things I am Looking Forward To:

  1. My sister and her kids coming to visit!
  2. Seeing “Wicked” tomorrow night!
  3. Jeff finishing my Square Foot Garden boxes (he’s working on them right now!)
  4. Going somewhere fun with my kids tonight
  5. Easter egg hunt for my kids
  6. Getting my yard ready for Spring!
  7. Summer vacation – sun and the pool!
  8. Wearing flip flops (after I get a pedicure)

8 Things I Did Yesterday:

  1. Took Hannah to the doctor’s
  2. Wished my friend a happy birthday!
  3. Watched a movie
  4. Saw my kids play with their cousins
  5. Went to the grocery store
  6. Saw the sun come out briefly
  7. Gave my kids hugs
  8. Gave my husband a kiss

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:

  1. Speak in public (arrgh – horrible at this one)
  2. Sing
  3. Travel the world
  4. Start a cupcake shop
  5. Get motivated to go to the gym
  6. Play the piano
  7. Eat whatever I like and not gain weight!
  8. Be patient

8 Shows I Watch:

  1. Grey’s Anatomy
  2. Amazing Race
  3. Dancing with the Stars
  4. The Number One Ladies Dectective Agency
  5. Law and Order
  6. Medium
  7. Private Practice
  8. Brothers and Sisters

and finally: 8 People I Tag

Have a wonderful Easter!


Creative Fridays: Decoupaged Eggs

26 Mar

I’ve probably told you about my Mod Podge addiction. I have mod podged all sorts of things all over my house. Well, the other day, I was looking at blogs and saw this from Nesting Place.

{How cute!}

Now, I need some Easter decorations! I got my box out and there was hardly anything in it. Did I donate some things I didn’t mean to donate??? So this project was perfect for me!


I found some paper mache eggs and some scrapbook paper that matches my family room. Some of the eggs I cut strips of paper and decoupaged it on the eggs. Some of the eggs I tore pieces from the paper and attached them.

**Note: Because I used scrapbook paper, not tissue paper, it was harder to apply because the paper is so much thicker, I found it easier to get the paper pieces wet first so the paper was more pliable.

And voila – a little Easter centerpiece!
{Ella just had to sneak in the shot!}
Have a Fantastic Friday
Sorry this post is so early, I am leaving out of town to see Wenderful

( I think she said something about building a chicken coop???)
and wanted to post this before I left.
Have a super weekend!