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Favorite Thing Wednesday: Goodbye to old and new friends

29 Jan

I love it when the mail comes and there is a shiny new magazine waiting for me. I’ve cut down on a lot of my subscriptions, even some of my old stand-bys have gone like Better Homes and Gardens. But I have a few that I really love.
One of my favorite magazines has been Mary Engelbreit’s Home Companion. My mom got me a subscription when it first came out and I’ve been taking it ever since.

My favorite issue came in December (little did I know that it would be the last). If you haven’t seen it, it features Amy Butler – I just love her fabrics. Her home is so wonderful. The best part was Amy included some free printable instructions on how to make some of the projects in her home. I went on Mary Engelbreit’s site to look at past issues, and all of the content has been taken off!
Luckily, you can still access the projects through Amy butler’s site. I’m not sure how long they will be available, but here is the link if you want to print any of them out for next Christmas. I love the wooden signs and whimsical trees.

A year ago, Martha Stewart ended her Blueprint magazine. This was a magazine that I also subscribed to and I loved it. It was like Martha Stewart with an edge. My favorite issue was the December 2007 issue – which also turned out to be the last one. It had the cutest pink-themed Christmas decorations. My favorite was a wreath made out of pink paper butterflies.

(you can still download these wrapping papers on Martha’s Blueline blog)

I found out that Martha Stewart has a blog called Bluelines which is continuing Blueprint’s style. You can find the recipes and some of the information from the Blueprint issues as well as new content. So that is good news!
This year, while sitting in the orthodontist’s waiting room, I discovered Cottage Living. What a cute magazine! I love the cottage style and was excited to get a subscription only to discover that it too has been canceled.

On a happier note, I WON something!Creative Kismet had a Birds of a Feather Exchange this month where everyone who wanted to could make 5 little birds to exchange plus another to give away on their blog. I wanted to join the exchange, but I was a little intimidated so I didn’t. I left a comment at a few of the participants and today I found out that I won the cutest one from Ambrella — Cultivating Magic. She is a really creative girl from Italy. I will post a picture of it when it comes. So exciting!

What magazines do you love?

Have a wonderful day!