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Flying Away

7 May
Have a wonderful weekend and

a Happy Mother’s Day.
I am:

To meet:Baby Hudson! My little nephew. Isn’t he sweet?

Welcome baby Hudson!

30 Mar

My sister Ashley had her baby while we were in Idaho! She went into labor about a week early. She had contractions for about 20 hours and wasn’t progressing, so had a c-section. The doctor was so surprised when the baby came out at 9 pounds 4 ounces! What a big, cute baby! I am so happy that both mom and baby are doing well!


We had a wonderful time visiting my sister Wenderful and her wonderful family! Some of the uniquely Idahoan experiences we had:

{Visited a local hatchery to see about buying baby chicks}

{Poured over dozens of chicken coop plans to find the perfect one}

{Walked down the road to see some lamas}

{Went to a 100 year old movie theater}
{admission was $2, and all snacks were $1}

{Tried making Bakerella’s cake pops}

{they were harder than they look!}
{relaxed}{the little kids jumped around in the back yard}

{while the bigger kids played the Twilight piano music}
{And celebrated Erik’s birthday and baptism – congratulations!}

I hope you all had a super weekend too!