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Thrifty Tuesdays: Storage Solutions

3 Feb

Do your kids come home from school and throw their backpacks, boots and coats everywhere? This was my problem for the past 6 years. I had hooks in my long, skinny laundry room but I was always climbing over everyone’s backpacks and boots to do my laundry. I tried to have the kids leave their gear in the garage but it kept trickling into the house.

I really wanted to find a way to make lockers, but couldn’t find a space big enough. I finally came up with a plan. In my laundry room there was a wide closet with double doors that stored all of my cleaning supplies and vacuum. I moved the cleaning supplies and vacuum to another space and took out the doors of the closet and all of the shelves. We then arched the top of the space so it would look more built in.

I then tried to come up with a plan for the lockers. I looked into custom cabinets, but they were so EXPENSIVE. I fell in love with these lockers from Pottery Barn.

The only problem was they were going to cost me almost $2,000 and they were a little too wide for my space. After searching everywhere, I came upon some similar lockers from

They ended up costing me $400 with free shipping. So, until I have a budget for custom cabinets, this is my thrifty solution to all of the stuff my kids drag home from school! My lockers are no longer sold, but these are pretty similar and are also a good deal:

And someday, maybe I will be able to create something like these:

{This is my favorite one!}

So how do you organize all of your winter gear?

Have a Thrifty Tuesday!

PS – if you want a really cute, thrifty purse project — go on over to Quincy Cottage for the idea!