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8 Aug

Congratulations to Carrie @ Carrie’s Little World. She won my Favorite Things Blogoversary Giveaway! If you don’t know Carrie, she is the cutest girl. So creative – she made the most fabulous doll house, a great mom and a great friend. And she is also the one that introduced me to the 30 Day Shred – ouch!
Last night we picked up another friend from Vermont. Phoebe’s visiting for a week. We are excited to show her around. Welcome Phoebe!Also, thanks so much all the kind comments about my friend Susan. Her husband Elden posted the most touching, wonderful tribute to her here.

{Here we are at my wedding: She is the bridesmaid on the left}
Have a wonderful weekend!

Remembering Susan

6 Aug

My friend Susan passed away tonight after a long, courageous battle with breast cancer. She was a wonderful person.

  • A loyal friend
  • an incredible artist
  • Funny
  • A great listener
  • Quiet
  • Kind
  • Gentle
  • Selfless
  • Loved to read
  • A wonderful mom
  • Had a beautiful laugh
  • A talented writer
  • Loving wife
  • A fighter
She will be remembered and missed.

My heart goes out to her husband Elden and their young family.

So worried

22 Jul

I’ve had my friend Susan constantly on my mind for a few days. Remember the Seattle trip we took in June? Jeff rode in the LiveStrong bike ride for Team Fatty in honor of Susan. And when we got back we were able to go visit with Elden and Susan and show her the pictures from the ride. She was unable to walk and was on oxygen, but she was alert and seemed like her normal self. It was so nice to talk to her. We talked about our hobbies: we both love to make jewelry. We talked about our kids, movies we liked, she even shared her list of favorite books that she downloads for her Kindle. We reminisced about old times, places we used to go when we were both young married couples, before we had kids.
It turned out that 2 days later she began having unbelievable pain and was confined to her bed. Then for a few days she seemed a little better and was able to be carried into the family room. Now she is in constant pain so her husband had hospice put in a morphine drip. She has been hallucinating and having horrible dreams. She doesn’t recognize her friends or family much of the time.


It breaks my heart that she and her family are going through this horrible time right now. She has four young children, including twin girls. I feel like crying all the time, not knowing how to help.


I would appreciate it so much if you would keep Susan and her family in your prayers. Thank you.