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Spring Project: Ribbon Wristlets!

6 Apr
This project has been on my to-do list for awhile now. My bloggy friend Cristin @ ser.en.d.ip.i.ty did a post on cute wristlets that she had made before Christmas and I was immediately enamored. I quickly put an ad on Freecycle to see if anyone had any leftover ribbon or trim so I could make some. I never got any response to my ad, so that project was put in my to-do pile.
I came upon some scalloped ribbon through PeachyCheap and I thought it would be so fun to make some for Spring. So I did! I think they are bright and happy looking!
If you want to make these, they are very easy to do. You can make one in about 15 minutes. This is what you need:
Ribbon — different widths so you can layer it.
Embellishments — I used some jewelry accents from the craft store. I made a flower out of some fabric scraps.
Some connectors. I found some that clamp at Michael’s in the jewelry department. Very easy to attach.
  • I ruffled some of the ribbon by pinning folds in the ribbon. Then I measured it against my wrist and cut it to size. I left about 1/2 inch on each side so I could turn it under and sew it. You could also glue gun the edges if you don’t sew.
  • Then I laid another ribbon top of the folded one and sewed a straight line down the middle. If you don’t sew you can use a glue gun.
  • Finally, I attached the embellishment. I hot glued the lighter embellishments on. The heavier jewelry embellishments I hand-sewed onto the ribbon. 
UPDATE: I’ve had a lot of people ask me about the clasps I used. I found them at Michaels’ they are from the brand Plaid. And called Pearls and Pumps. They come with some velvet and gathered ribbon, three sets of clasps to a package for $3.99. You can get them for $2 by printing off THIS coupon.

     I am linking up to these fabulous parties:

     If you would like to win a gift certificate for beautiful custom cards or a custom party package
    click HERE.
    Customized...Printable Party Package...DIY Circus by DimplePrints
    And, have you checked this out yet? FOUR giveaways every hour!

    Have a Terrific Tuesday!
