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New Pillow, Cupcakes and Halloween Parade

29 Oct
I made this saying into a pillow. I think it’s funny. I used some soft houndstooth with the burlap.

 {making the cupcake wrappers}

I was so inspired from all of those Halloween treats I posted about uesterday. When the kids got home from school we made some cupcakes and used the free printables and cupcake wrapper templates. We took some over to our new neighbors but they weren’t home – darn.

This morning we went over to Hannah’s school for the Halloween parade. It was great to see all of the kids dressed up in their costumes. Ella was excited to dress up too! And I finally go around to making the skirt for Hannah’s costume last night. Here was our inspiration:
And the final costume:
I have been working on some more burlap things, I am almost ready to show them. But I have this pesky feeling that I am coming down this something. You know — headache, hot under the eyes, beginnings of  a sore throat. Maybe if I take some zinc. Would that help?