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Happy Mothers Day to You!!

9 May
On this Mother’s Day , I am so thankful for my children!!
And Happy Mother’s Day to My Mom & Mom-in-law — Love you guys!!
Happy Mother’s Day to You!

Friend Makin’ Mondays: My Thankful List!

23 Mar
Today on Friend Makin’ Monday, we are reflecting on things we are thankful for. There are so many things I am thankful for!1. These guys. What a wonderful little family I have. My husband is so funny and sweet. He is always bringing me little gifts, notes and telling me how much I mean to him. I am so lucky to be his wife. My kids are each so unique and wonderful in their own ways. I am so lucky to be their mom.

2. My faith. When life seems hard and unfair, it helps me see the bigger picture. It makes me appreciate all that I have and cherish the blessings in my life.

3. Great in-laws. Have I ever mentioned that they live 6 houses down our street?

4. My mom. She lives close too. She moved here after the death of my dad. We love spending time with her!

5. Cousins. My kids love their cousins. They can’t wait to see them and I hope they will always stay close to each other.

6. Our health. It is such a blessing. Something to never take for granted!!!

7. Our home. It is a happy place. I so enjoy making it a beautiful and welcoming place.

8. Friends that love me and accept me no matter what!

9. New additions to our family. My youngest sister is due to have her baby any day. I can’t wait to see his sweet little face!

10. And – blogging! Thanks for being such great blogging friends!


Go on over to Kasey’s and sign up for Friend Makin’ Monday!
It’s fun to get to know you!!!