Such an Inspiration!

12 Oct
 Did you catch Nie Nie on Oprah last week? I was so excited when I heard she was going to be on. I had just started blogging when she was in the plane crash. As soon as I found out I continually thought about her and her “Mr. Nielson” and their four young children. I prayed for her. I was so excited when she woke up out of her coma. I scoured her sister’s blog for information on how her rehabilitation was coming. I worried about her children, how would they react to seeing their mom for the first time? She has been through so much, with amazing courage and grace. So when I thought I might actually see her for the first time and hear her voice, I was beyond thrilled.
Her interview was so wonderful. It made me cry. I taped it and made my older children watch it with me. Nie Nie’s humor, faith, courage and love are amazing. Yay Nie Nie!
If you haven’t read Nie Nie, you really should!
Thanks for coming by!

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